Arrr matey! Fable be fixin’ their book of spells after a cheeky parrot squawked some foul A.I. nonsense!
Arrr, matey! The fine folk be shiverin’ their timbers after landlubbers spied some scallywag words in their magic box o’ knowledge! So, they be puttin’ up ye olde fences to keep out the bilge and keep their summaries shipshape! Aye, no more foul tongues on this voyage!
Ahoy, mateys! Gather ‘round and lend yer ears to this tale of words and wickedness! The crafty merchants of the digital seas, with their shiny contraptions of artificial intelligence, be havin’ a bit o’ a hullabaloo. It seems their fancy summarizin’ feature was spoutin’ language akin to a landlubber’s rant, filled with talk that be downright bigoted! Arrr, not the kind of treasure we be seekin’!