The Booty Report

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Arrr, Biden be givin' out 19 shiny medals and a hearty shout: "Freedom fer all, mateys!"


Arrr, with a crew o’ ancient sea dogs and landlubber backers, the captain be sendin’ word o’ allegiance to the old hull his scallywag matey be wantin’ to scuttle! A fine jest, I say, as he hoists the Jolly Roger of the establishment! Har har!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout the grand captain of the seas, known to the landlubbers as the president! Aye, he be sendin' missives to a crew of old seadogs and political landlubbers, raisin' a toast to the establishment like a fine rum under a moonlit sky!

This here crew be filled with the old-guard icons, ye see, them who’ve sailed the tempestuous waters of politics longer than a barnacle clings to a ship's hull! And whilst his successor be itchin' to toss 'em overboard like a sack of potatoes, our gallant captain be givin' 'em a hearty salute! Aye, it be a right curious sight, like a parley between foes on the high seas!

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