Arrr! The California sea dogs be settlin’ their shipshape after a federal squall! Reform’s the word, matey!
Arrr, matey! The Antioch crew of constables be in hot water with the Justice Department, after a treasure trove o' scallywag texts reveal their foul, racist banter. Aye, 'tis no way to keep the peace on the high seas—or in landlubber towns, for that matter!
Arrr matey! Gather 'round, ye scallywags, for I’ve a tale to tell of the Antioch Police Department, a crew of landlubbers caught in a tempest of trouble! In the year of our Lord, 2023, it be revealed that these salty officers were swappin’ more than just tales o’ justice—nay, they be passin’ around text messages of a most unsavory nature! Aye, ye heard it right, 'twas a heap of racist rubbish that would make a parrot blush!