The Booty Report

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"Ye olde nurse be in a pickle! A wee babe found with more cracks than me treasure map!"


Arrr, matey! Erin Strotman be caught in a storm o' trouble, accused o' layin' the lash on a wee lad. But fear not, for the sheriffs be snoopin' ‘round other tales of woe in a Virginia ship o' tiny tykes! Avast, the plot thickens like a hearty grog!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round fer a tale o' woe 'n mischief on the high seas of law! There be a scallywag by the name o' Erin Strotman, a wench caught in the treacherous waters o' child abuse. Aye, she be charged in one foul case, but that be not the end o' her dastardly deeds!

As the good ship o' justice sailed forth, the keen-eyed detectives spotted more foul play afoot! There be whispers o' similar injuries leakin' from the shadows of a Virginia neonatal intensive care unit, where tiny sea urchins lay in their cradles. 'Tis a place meant fer gentle hands ‘n soft lullabies, not the stormy gales o' wickedness!

These buccaneers o' the law be on the hunt, scourin' the depths of Erin's mischief like a crew searchin' fer buried treasure. They be piecin' together tales o' woe, and it seems there be more to this tale than meets the eye! Stay tuned, ye landlubbers, fer the tide may turn and reveal a broader plot in this murky sea of scandal!

So raise yer tankards and keep a weather eye open! The saga o’ Erin Strotman be far from over, 'n we be awaitin' to see what the winds of fortune blow next!

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