The Booty Report

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Arrr! Chuck be caught, yonder clip showin’ him callin’ Biden’s woes 'tis but a right-wing yarn! Har har!


Arrr, me hearties! Sen. Chuck Schumer be caught on the high seas of TV, defendin’ Captain Biden’s noggin from the scallywags doubting his wits! Aye, ’twas on “Meet the Press” he waved his cutlass of confidence, claimin' the old sea dog be sharp as a cuttlefish! Har har!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather ‘round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout ol' Sen. Chuck Schumer, who be claimin' that the crew o' Democrats be not leadin’ the good folk of the land astray 'bout President Biden’s noggin, despite the ol' sea dog droppin’ anchor ‘n’ leavin’ the race like a ship lost at sea. 'Twas a clip from February that had 'em all rattled, where Biden proclaimed the talk o' his health be naught but right-wing scallywag propaganda!

When confronted by the sharp-tongued Kristen Welker, Schumer stood firm, shoutin' that Biden’s wits be sharper than a cutlass! He hailed the president’s record like a captain braggin' about his treasure, claimin' it be the finest since the days of yore with ol’ Lyndon Johnson! Even as the winds of doubt blew, Schumer insisted that Biden stepped down not 'cause of weakness, but to save the ship from stormy seas.

But as the debate raged on, the crew o' pundits wondered if Biden be fit to sail another term. Schumer chose his words like a cautious pirate, not wantin' to speculate, while his mates clamored for bolder defenses! Amidst squalls of opinion, some claimed the good captain’s decision to leave be a mighty blow to the crew’s morale. The tale twists and turns like the tides o' fate, and so the saga sails on!

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