The Booty Report

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Arrr, New Jersey be throwin' out the quill 'n scroll test fer teachin' mates! No more writin' in the sand!


Arrr, matey! A new decree be settin’ sail, banishin’ the need fer teachers to prove they can scribble, count, or read a map! As of Wednesday, the New Jersey crew be teachin’ without the knowin’—a fine recipe fer chaos on the high seas o’ learnin’, aye!

Ahoy mateys! In the land of New Jersey, a new law be settin' sail, lettin' teachers off the hook from passin' them basic readin', writin', and math tests to teach in public schools. This crafty move, signed by Governor Phil Murphy, aims to fill the empty seats in the classrooms, fer there be a mighty shortage of educators in these parts!

Under this law, the State Board o’ Education shan't require a teacher to pass the Praxis Core test, which be a tricky test used by over 40 states. It be said that this be a "barrier" to certification, and with more teachers needed, the law be welcomed by many a sailor in the educational seas!

But fear not, savvy crew! They still need to have their wits about ‘em, passin’ specialized tests in their fields, maintainin' a decent GPA, and possessin’ a bachelor’s degree. Even so, this be the latest in a string o’ measures across the seven seas to tackle the teacher shortage, with other states makin' similar moves, lettin’ folks teach without traditional credentials or even before they finish their studies! Aye, the tides be changin’ in the world of education!

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