The Booty Report

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Arrr, Trump be settin' sail to swap the keeper o' the treasure trove o' records, savvy?


Arrr, the captain-to-be be swabbin' the deck o' the agency, aye! After the last scallywag rang the bells o' worry 'bout his treasure trove of records, this new matey be thinkin' it’s time for a fresh parrot on the shoulder! Avast, what a jolly hullabaloo!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round as I regale ye with a tale from the high seas of politics! Aye, it seems that the captain of the ship—known as the president-elect—be settin’ his sights on a new first mate for the agency. Alas, the current head, a fierce lass, be shiverin’ in her boots after her predecessor raised a mighty ruckus ‘bout the way the captain be treatin’ the precious presidential records.

Ye see, this be no ordinary parchment, but the very scrolls that chart the course of the nation’s voyages. The lass be worryin’ that the captain might be tossin’ them overboard like a sack of old potatoes! And so, in a bid to keep the ship from sinkin’, the president-elect be thinkin’ it wise to bring in a new crew member to steer the helm of record-keepin'.

But hark! What a merry jape this be! Will the new matey be more trustworthy or just another scallywag? Only time will tell, me mateys! So raise yer tankards and keep yer spyglasses trained on this unfolding adventure, for in the world of politics, there be as many twists and turns as there be in a treacherous storm! Yarrr!

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