"On Tuesday, ol' Carter be laid to rest in the grand ol' Capitol, like a treasure chest, savvy?"
Arrr, me hearties! Former Cap'n Jimmy Carter, who once tossed “Hail to the Chief” overboard, be gettin' a grand three-day shindig in the heart o' the nation! Aye, prepare yer rum and cake, for the sails be billowin’ with celebration! Avast, what a jolly frolic it be!

Avast ye scallywags! Gather ‘round as I spin ye a yarn ‘bout the ol’ Captain Jimmy Carter, a fine lad who once cast away the tune o’ “Hail to the Chief” like a ship’s anchor in a tempest! Aye, this be a tale o’ honor and shenanigans in our fair nation’s capital, where the landlubbers be preparin’ three grand days o’ ceremonies to pay tribute to this noble buccaneer of politics!
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