The Booty Report

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Arrr! Blue state schemes be makin' landlubbers livin' in the streets like scallywags without a ship!


Arrr, matey! No scallywag longs for the street, but be these fancy blue havens throwin' us into a wild whirlpool o' foolish rules? Aye, it seems the more they try, the more they trip over their own peg legs! Avast, what a jolly mess!

Avast ye landlubbers! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout the wretched state of homelessness in our fine United States, as revealed by the scallywags at HUD! Aye, it be a record high, with more souls adrift than a ship in a stormy sea, and the blame be cast upon the likes of the Biden administration and progressive captains of chaos like Gov. Gavin Newsom.

In the land of California and New York, homelessness be risin' higher than the mast o' a galleon, while states like Texas and Florida be keepin' their numbers steady with a firmer hand on the tiller. Why, ye ask? Perhaps it be the reckless policies o' the blue states, where treasure spent on the homeless yields naught but more misfortune!

With HUD’s reports shoutin' about inflation, lack o' affordable housing, and a lack o' direct accountability, the pirates o' policy be sailin' in circles! And what of the opportunities in the golden state? They be squandered on hefty taxes and regulations, while the red states chart a different course, favorin' targeted aid and a scarce tax burden.

So, let it be known, mates! Aye, the road to remedyin' this plight lies in wise leadership that puts a roof over every head, lest we be drownin' in the depths of despair! Yarrr!

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