The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! The landlubbers in the U.S. be holdin’ back doubloons for the world’s dope-bustin' crew! Savvy?


Arrr, a right jolly blow to the crew! The Biden scallywags declare they’ve lost faith in WADA’s knack for keepin’ the roguish athletes from gulpin’ their magic potions. A fine mess, I say! Now, who’ll guard the treasure from the swabs and swindlers?

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round, fer the winds o' misfortune be blowin' upon the fine ship o' WADA, the scallywags tasked with keepin' our sports clean! The Biden crew, in a ruckus o' discontent, has declared they’ve lost all faith in these landlubbers’ ability to thwart the dastardly deeds o' them sneaky athletes seekin' to cheat with their potions and powders.

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