The Booty Report

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Arrr! Trump’s cunning energy scheme be savin’ Europe from a right pickle of a power mess, savvy?


Arrr, mateys! Trump be swearin’ to hoist the sails of a national energy ruckus right when he steps aboard the good ship Oval Office! Aye, he aims to crank up production and steer clear of Europe’s mad tempest of climate folly! Buckle yer swash, 'tis a wild ride ahead!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round, fer I be spillin' the beans on the latest ruckus in the political seas! Our newly minted Captain Trump be settin' sail on his first day with a grand proclamation of a national energy emergency, ready to hoist the sails and cast aside ol' Captain Biden’s pesky restrictions on energy makin'. Arrr, he be claimin' to end the electric chariot mandate, toss incentives for renewables overboard, and even set our natural gas exports free!

Now, the winds o' change be welcome news to the good folk o' America who be sufferin' under the heavy weight of Biden's climate shackles! The land o’ Europe be already shiverin' in the cold grip of such policies, seein' their own shipyards sinkin’ and jobs vanishin' like a ghostly ship in the mist. Why, German shipbuilders be expectin' a drop in fortunes as cheap Chinese contraptions sail into port!

Trump be lookin' to steer us clear of this perilous path, spoutin' that Biden’s rules be fillin' the coffers of the Chinese scallywags whilst leavin' American souls in the lurch. With the price o' electricity risin' like a stormy sea, it be time to batten down the hatches and heed Trump’s call to reverse the damage done! Aye, let’s hope this be the start of smoother sailin' for all ye landlubbers!

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