The Booty Report

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"Arrr! The mighty captains o' the realm be settin' sail for Washington Cathedral to toast ol' Carter, savvy?"


Arrr, matey! A grand send-off fer the 39th captain o' the ship o' state be brewin’ this Thursday! All five living scallywags who once wore the crown be gatherin’, and ol’ Biden be spinnin’ tales o’ his adventures in a eulogy. Hoist the flag and prepare the grog!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round and lend thine ears to a tale of solemnity, for a state funeral be brewin' this Thursday fer the 39th captain o' this great ship o' state! Yarr, it be a grand occasion, bringin’ together all five livin’ presidents, like a crew assembled fer a mighty voyage!

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