The Booty Report

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Arrr! CNN's witless wizard be settin' fire to Biden's daft notion he’d’ve bagged re-election, 'tis pure scallywag nonsense!


Arrr, matey! CNN's data swashbuckler, Harry Enten, be takin' a cutlass to President Biden's fanciful claim 'bout bestin' Trump in the 2024 seas! With a treasure trove of polls, he be shatterin' that notion like a rum bottle on the deck. Avast, reality be a cruel captain!

Arrr! Gather 'round, me hearties, for a tale of the high seas o' politics! Our Captain Biden be claimin' that had he not abandoned ship in the 2024 race, he’d be steerin' the good ol' U.S. of A to victory! Aye, 'tis a bold claim indeed!

But lo and behold, savvy CNN data wrangler Harry Enten be havin' none of it! In a recent parley with the press, Biden swore that based on the magical scrolls o' pollin', he might’ve bested the fearsome Trump if he’d stayed aboard. "But nay!" roared Enten, callin' the notion “flat out bonkers!” Yarrr, he showed the numbers, and they painted a dire picture for our flounderin' captain.

With Trump loommin' large 'mongst the battleground states, Biden's ship was takin' on water faster than a leaky vessel! In fact, Enten found that Biden never once sailed ahead of Trump during the whole campaign—a mighty blow to his claims!

So, me mateys, the lesson be this: sometimes it’s best to know when to abandon ship rather than sail into treacherous waters, lest ye find yerself with a total score of zero! Arrr, let this be a lesson for all ye wannabe captains in the murky seas of politics!

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