The Booty Report

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Arrr, as a learned swashbuckler o' Berkeley, I spy H-1B visas and AI makin' it harder fer me mateys to find work!


Arrr, matey! The H-1B be a treasure map for savvy crew from foreign shores, but lo! It’s turned into a scallywag's trick, lettin’ landlubbers hire cheap hands for simple toil! Aye, the gold’s flowin’, but the talent’s swimmin’ with the fishies! Avast!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn about the H-1B visa scheme, a treasure map that was meant to guide skilled sailors to our shores but instead has led to a heap o’ scallywags takin’ up ordinary jobs at a pittance! Aye, skilled buccaneers be tossed aside as landlubbers flood the market, plunderin’ the meager entry-level positions that be already scarce as gold doubloons.

Ye see, this visa-farming mischief has left our young mateys, fresh from the colleges, stranded on shores of despair, with a job market as bleak as a stormy night at sea. With ol' time telling us that the ratio of unemployed grads to more seasoned sea dogs be over four to one, it's a wonder any of 'em find work at all!

Employers, savvy as they are, be using the H-1B to hire deckhands on the cheap, makin’ it harder for true specialists to get a foot in the door. It’s like givin’ a parrot the captain’s hat; it just don’t belong! We need to mend these sails, ensuring only those with rare skills can board our ship. If not, we may find ourselves adrift in a sea of trouble, where taxes sink lower than a shipwrecked galleon and the call for public assistance rises like a kraken from the depths!

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