The Booty Report

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"Can Susie Wiles, the cap'n's right hand, weather the storm or be tossed to the briny deep?"


Arrr, as Ms. Wiles sails to the land o' Washington, the scallywags in Trump World be thinkin' that the president-elect’s trusty matey and wise strategist stands a better chance than a parrot in a treasure chest! Aye, she be a fine pick for the captain’s crew!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round while I spin ye a yarn about Ms. Wiles, a bold lass settin’ sail for the treacherous waters of Washington! Aye, in the grand ol’ realm of Trump World, the scallywags be thinkin’ that this trusty aide be havin’ more luck than a parrot on a pirate’s shoulder!

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