The Booty Report

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"Ahoy mateys! Trump be steerin' his booty into a PAC to pay for his legal woes."


Avast ye! There be a sneaky trick afoot! Donald Trump be changin' his online pleadings to funnel his 2024 booty to them scallywags payin' his legal fees. Keep yer eyes peeled, me hearties!

Arrrr mateys, it seems our beloved former president Donald Trump has been up to some sneaky business with his online fund-raising appeals. Aye, tis true that he has made a change to his appeals that allows him to take a piece of the booty for himself.

It appears that Trump can now divert a goodly sum of his 2024 contributions to a group that has been spendin' millions to cover his legal fees. And it seems that this group be none other than the Save America Joint Fundraising Committee, a joint operation between Trump's own campaign and the Republican National Committee.

Now, ye might be wonderin' why Trump needs to be doin' this. Well, it seems that our former captain has a lot of legal troubles brewin' on the horizon. And as we all know, lawyers don't come cheap.

So, it seems that Trump is gettin' his ducks in a row now, so that when the time comes, he'll be able to pay his legal bills with the help of his loyal crew. And who knows, maybe he'll even have enough left over for a new hat or two.

But, let us not forget that this be a serious matter. We must keep a weather eye on Trump's activities, lest he try to swindle us out of more of our hard-earned doubloons. Stay vigilant, me hearties!

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