The Booty Report

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Arrr, Jimmy Carter be a faith-filled scallywag! Let’s toast to his spirit, aye, and hoist a pint!


Arrr, Jimmy Carter be a faithful matey, aye! Ye might squabble over his ways o' preachin', but that scallywag's strong Jesus vibes got landlubbers flockin' back to the church like seagulls to a ship's biscuit! Aye, it be a hoot, I tell ye!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather ‘round as I spin ye a yarn about that scallywag, Jimmy Carter, who steered the ship of state in the 1970s! Upon takin’ the helm, he set course for the First Baptist Church in Washington, where he imparted the Good Book’s secrets like a true captain. I joined him in a Sunday School crew that be unforgettable! One fine morn, the good captain asked me to take the wheel, and I nearly fell off me anchor!

Afterward, we ventured below deck for a spot o’ coffee, but lo and behold, Carter found his pockets as empty as a matey’s rum barrel! “How far have we fallen,” I quipped, “when the president be broke?” I tossed him a quarter, and we shared a hearty laugh— a king without coin!

Years later, whilst reminiscin’, he fished out a shiny quarter and proclaimed, “We be even!” Aye, I kept that treasure on me desk— proof of our merry jest! But alas, by 1980, many of those faithful voters had jumped ship for Ronald Reagan, not for doubtin’ Carter’s faith, but for the way he navigated it. His choices drew ire amongst the conservative crew. Yet, amidst the storms, he remained sincere. So hoist the sails, for this be a tale of faith and folly on the high seas of politics!

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