The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! Trump be needin' to hoist the sails and send the scallywag immigrants after the goldfish, aye!


Arrr, me hearties! Michael Masters, the grand captain of the Secure Community Network, be sayin’ we ought to hoist the sails an’ send them scallywags who be messin’ with the Jews straight to Davy Jones’ locker! No place for ‘em in these waters, I say!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather ye round and lend an ear to the tale of a young scallywag named Abdullah Hassan, a fresh-faced lad from George Mason University, who be 18 years in age and as tall and skinny as a mast on a ghost ship. This swab, instead of studyin' the stars or the sea, found himself in the treacherous waters of plotting a nefarious attack upon the good folk of the Jewish community!

It all began with a whisper in the wind—a tip shared by the Fairfax County crew with the FBI, highlightin' the lad's shady connections with radical groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda. With the FBI keepin' a watchful eye, young Hassan had the audacity to share dastardly plans with an informant, includin' videos and strategies for killin' Jews, all whilst preparin' to livestream his vile deeds!

But, blow me down! Just as he was settin' sail for chaos, the law enforcement pirates stormed his hideout and clapped him in irons. Yet, this be but a piece of the puzzle, for it raises questions about how such a landlubber, already flagged by the law, was allowed to roam free in the first place!

With other ne'er-do-wells like Sidi Mohamed Abdallahi makin' waves against our Jewish brethren, it be high time for the ruling crew to reevaluate who be allowed on our shores. The laws be there, so let’s hoist the flag of justice and ensure no more villainous souls plot in the shadows!

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