The Booty Report

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Arrr! Democrats be ponderin' their social media sails after Trump’s victory: 'Twas neither direct nor true, matey!


Arrr, matey! Some landlubber Democrats be squawkin' to their captain about them scallywag Republicans sailin' to victory, usin' fancy newfangled magic mirrors to charm the independent souls. Aye, this be what the report be sayin', savvy?

Arrr, mateys! It be said that some scallywags among the Democrats be bleatin' to their leaders that the crafty Republicans be winnin' the battle of the ballots by sailin’ the high seas of new media, like them podcasts and social media treasure maps, to lure in the independent voters, as per a fresh report from the landlubbers' scribes.

Now, it be known that Captain Donald Trump steered his ship through the tempest of social media with the cunning of a seasoned buccaneer, usin' podcasts to spread his message far and wide, more than any star-studded endorsements from Hollywood swabs or the old-timey media. The wise parrot, Brian Tyler Cohen, squawks that if the Democrats wish to keep their ship afloat, they best navigate the social seas or risk bein' left behind by the conservative fleet.

With nary a care, Cohen warns that the Democrats be too timid, worryin' 'bout where to drop anchor instead of plunderin' the cultural waters. He insists they must reclaim the spaces they've ceded to the right, lest they be marooned in the political storm. Even the likes of Vice President Harris be missin’ the mark, settlin’ for safe harbors instead of facein' the rough seas of tougher podcasts. Aye, if they want to spread their message, they must brave the wild waters of the digital age or face the wrath of Davy Jones! Arrr!

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