The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! James Arthur Ray, the self-help scallywag, met Davy Jones at 67 after his retreat went all pear-shaped!


Arrr, a bright beacon among the scallywags of feel-good chatter, he met his doom in the wilds of Arizona! A sweat lodge turned into a watery grave—three souls sent to Davy Jones’ locker whilst seekin’ enlightenment. Aye, motivation be a dangerous game, matey!

Avast ye landlubbers! Gather 'round and lend yer ears to the tale of a dashed dreamer, a swashbucklin' star of the New Age seas! This fine lad, a motivational speaker of the highest order, sailed the waves of inspiration, fillin’ hearts with fire and souls with zeal. But lo! His ship struck the rocks in the treacherous waters of Arizona, where he sought to lead his crew in a most peculiar retreat.

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