The Booty Report

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Arrr! Middle-class dreams be sunk like a ship in Palisades Mobile Home Park, all in tatters, matey!


Arrr! The fiery beast o' Los Angeles be razing mobile havens, turnin' fine folk into treasure-hunters o' their own dreams! They be scroungin' through the ash and ruin, seekin' scraps of their middle-class booty, as if they be plunderers in a ghostly cove! Yarr, what a jolly mess!

Arrr, matey! Gather 'round, fer I’ve a tale to spin from the land o' Los Angeles, where flames danced mighty and wild like a drunken sailor at a tavern! Aye, them wildfires be scorchin' the earth, settin' ablaze the very homes of landlubbers who'd worked their fingers to the bone to hoist themselves into the middle-class seas.

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