The Booty Report

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"Arrr, matey! California be needin' a lesson from Florida on how to deal with scallywag looters, savvy?"


Arrr, matey! Columnist David Marcus be sayin’ that Florida’s lawmen and gun-totin’ scallywags be havin’ a fine knack fer sendin’ looters to Davy Jones’ locker after a storm. California, ye best be takin’ heed, lest ye find yerself in a pickle! Har har har!

Arrr matey! In the midst o' raging infernos 'round Los Angeles, we be witnessin' both acts of valor and a scallywag's tide of villainy, with looters risin' like the Kraken! Aye, more than twenty miscreants have been caught pilferin', with one particularly dastardly duo donning the garb of brave firefighters to plunder the spoils of unfortunate souls whose homes be consumed by flames.

With the winds howlin' and the fires ragin', the local constables be stretched thinner than a ship’s sail in a storm, leavin' the good folk defenseless against these vile brigands. In Florida, where the Second Amendment be honored like treasure, looters think twice 'fore treadin' on the wrong ship! The gung-ho Governor DeSantis warns 'em that a scallywag's fate awaits those who dare to loot after a storm.

Yet, in California, the unarmed citizens be sittin' ducks for those villainous thieves! With progressive leaders keepin' their own armed guards, the common folk be left to fend for themselves. Aye, if only a band of stout-hearted souls could patrol the streets with muskets in hand, perhaps the looters would scurry back to the depths from whence they came. Let it be known, matey, the folks o' California might soon realize that their gun rights be as essential as a sturdy ship at sea! Arrr!

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