The Booty Report

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Arrr! A scallywag boldly snatched a treasure from the FedEx mate's grasp in yon Massachusetts! Ha ha!


Arrr, matey! The Rhode Island sea dogs nabbed four scallywags who ran like the wind after robbin' a FedEx matey in Harvard! 'Twas a chase fit for the briny deep, but these landlubbers found themselves caught in the net of justice. Avast, ye rascals!

Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round, for I've a tale of thievery that would make even Blackbeard chuckle! In the fair village of Harvard, Massachusetts, a poor FedEx lad was mindin' his own business, deliverin' a parcel, when a pair of scallywags in a ghostly white Acura decided to make him their target. As the driver beheld his cargo, the masked rogues leapt from their ship—er, car—and snatched the bounty right from his hands!

Now, the local constabulary was quick to respond, hearin' the cries of "armed robbery!" But fear not, for the footage showed naught but threats, no cannons fired, only the dastardly deed. It seems these two knaves had been layin' in wait, spyin' on our delivery hero like a shark eyein' a sailor overboard!

But lo! The sea of justice was not far behind. A multi-state chase ensued, leadin' the miscreants to crash their vessel near Providence. One scoundrel stayed behind, while the others tried to make a run for it, only to be caught like fish in a net! As the lawmen scoured the area for any hidden treasures—er, firearms—the tale of this audacious robbery spread like wildfire across the seven seas!

So raise yer mugs, me hearties, to the FedEx driver and the swift justice that followed! Arrr!

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