The Booty Report

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Arrr! RFK Jr. be settin' sail to scuttle public health, say the wise scallywags!


Arrr, a ragtag crew of learned sea dogs from the finest colleges, like Yale and Harvard, be bandin’ together to scuttle the captain o’ health! They be raisin’ a ruckus, claimin’ this landlubber ain't fit to chart the course for the crew’s well-bein’!

Avast ye landlubbers! Gather 'round, for I be havin' a tale of swabs and scholars in the realm of health! A ragtag coalition be risin’ up against the new Health Secretary nominee, a scallywag whose qualifications be as dubious as a three-legged dog in a race! These learned folk hail from the hallowed halls of the finest academic ships in the land, a crew of brainy buccaneers from yer esteemed Yale and Harvard, the swankiest public health schools this side of the seven seas!

These scholarly swabs be raisin’ their voices like a tempest at sea, claimin' that this nominee be unfit to navigate the treacherous waters of public health! They be usin’ words so fancy, it be soundin’ like a parley between two rival pirate crews! “Arrr, yer qualifications be as solid as a ship made of cheese!” they be shoutin’! With quills and parchment, they pen their protests, likin’ it to a mutiny aboard a fine vessel!

So, me hearties, let it be known that when it comes to the health of the good folk, these learned scallywags won’t be lettin’ any ol’ barnacle take the helm! They be fightin’ for the good of the crew, and may the winds of wisdom guide their sails! Onward, ye scholarly mates, and may yer voices carry across the briny deep!

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