The Booty Report

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Arr matey, behold! Square Enix be bestowin' upon us real-life low-poly grapes, aye, from Final Fantasy 14!


Ne'er relinquishing me grip, matey! I be clutchin' onto the loot like a barnacle on a ship's hull. Aye, ye can bet yer doubloons, I be keepin' it close, for it be me treasure, me pride, and me reason to sail the seven seas!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up, ye scurvy dogs, for I be tellin' ye a tale of a pirate who never be lettin' go. Aye, this be a story that be ticklin' yer funny bones, so gather round and prepare to be entertained!

Once upon a time, there be a fearsome pirate named Blackbeard, known fer his mighty beard and his even mightier grip. He be called "Never Lettin' Go" because it be said that once his hand be grasp onto somethin', it be held on tighter than a barnacle on a ship's hull.

One fine day, Blackbeard and his crew be plunderin' a merchant vessel, fillin' their treasure chests with gold and jewels. As he be searchin' the ship, he be comin' across a shiny object that caught his eye. 'Twas a silver goblet, so fine and fancy. Blackbeard's hand be reachin' out, grabbin' hold of the goblet, and that be when the trouble began.

Ye see, this goblet be cursed! It be enchanted by a vengeful witch, and anyone who dare touch it be stuck to it like a barnacle. Blackbeard be strugglin' and pullin', but his hand be locked onto the goblet. His crew be laughin' and pointin', their bellies shakin' like a jolly roger in the wind.

Days turned into weeks, and still Blackbeard be clingin' onto the goblet, his face turnin' redder than a lobster in a boilin' pot. The crew be tryin' all sorts of tricks to free him, from lubbin' his hand with oil to ticklin' his palm with a feather, but nothin' be workin'.

Months went by, and Blackbeard be growin' more desperate. He be tryin' to eat, sleep, and even wield his cutlass with his free hand, but life be mighty difficult with a goblet stuck to ye palm. The crew be takin' pity on him, but also findin' the whole situation to be mighty amusin'.

And so, dear mateys, Blackbeard be forever known as "Never Lettin' Go," for that cursed goblet be his constant companion until the end of his pirate days. Remember this tale, me hearties, and be careful what ye grab ahold of, for ye never know when ye'll be stuck like a landlubber to a cursed goblet!

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