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Arrr! Five jolly jests from Rubio's Senate shindig: “I be understandin’ both tongue-tied rascals!” Har har har!


Arrr, me hearties! Florida's own Sen. Marco Rubio be sailin' smooth as a ship on calm seas through the treacherous waters of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee's confirmation. Aye, he be dodgin’ cannonballs and sailin’ to victory – a true buccaneer of politics!

Ahoy there, mateys! Gather 'round as I regale ye with tales from the high seas of politics, where Florida's very own Sen. Marco Rubio be sailing smoothly through his confirmation hearing like a ship glidin' on calm waters. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee, filled with both landlubbers and salty sea dogs of the Democratic and Republican ilk, sang praises for his knowledge o’ worldly matters.

But don’t ye be thinkin' it was a tranquil voyage! Nay! The meeting was briefly rocked by the cries of protestors wearin' pink shirts, shoutin' about the plight of Gaza’s wee ones. Rubio, with a grin that could charm the scales off a fish, quipped, “I get bilingual protesters.” Aye, it set a merry tone for the gathering!

As the hearing rolled on, Rubio was quizzed about the stormy seas of international affairs, from the treacherous waters of Ukraine to the cunning ways of China. With wit sharper than a cutlass, he navigated the questions while lobbing jokes like cannonballs. One senator even jested that folks might know him better for his sports wisdom than his foreign policy prowess!

In the end, all hands aboard agreed that this Rubio fellow be well-prepared, and the winds carried whispers of unanimous approval for his ascension to the role of Secretary of State. Aye, the seas of diplomacy be in good hands!

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