The Booty Report

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"Arrr! The ship's crew be tossin' out scallywags who've harmed the lasses—no more rum for ye, ye knaves!"


Arrr, a motley crew of Democrats be sailing alongside the Republicans, givin’ a hearty aye to this here measure! Aye, even when the law be lettin’ lawbreakin’ scallywags sail the seas back home! A fine crew of bumblers, I say!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round, fer I be havin' a tale o' the high seas o' politics, where scallywags from both the Democratic and Republican crews be joinin' forces in a most peculiar maneuver. Aye, they set sail on a measure, lettin' the wind blow in favor o' the law, even though the ol' parchment already be allowin' the marooned immigrants with sticky legal status to be sent away to Davy Jones' locker if they be caught playin' the wicked game o' sex crimes.

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