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"Avast ye! Learneth how to cast away thy cursed phone this summer with a jolly Digital Detox!"


Avast ye, me hearties! A savvy tech wench be sharin' her secrets on savin' yer summer. Learn the art o' stayin' present and detoxin' from the digital world, lest ye be glued to yer cursed smartphone all day!

The concept of a digital detox is not new and has been widely discussed. Many people find it difficult to take time away from their devices, but it is recommended to reduce screen time. Looking at the screen time report on your smartphone can be eye-opening, as it shows how much time you spend on your phone and which apps you use the most. Social media, email, and messages are often the biggest time-consumers for people. To cut down on the number of times you pick up your phone, you can set it to Do Not Disturb mode, which can be useful during vacations or weekends when you are with loved ones. You can also allow certain calls to ring through or set up emergency messages to bypass this mode. Android users can take similar steps by searching for "Do Not Disturb" in their phone's settings. Additionally, there are built-in settings on iPhones to reduce app usage without the need for extra downloads or apps. You can set limits for app categories or individual apps. Android users have access to the Digital Wellbeing app, which allows them to set app timers and schedule display changes. Overall, it is up to individuals to utilize these tools and take control of their screen time.

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