The Booty Report

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"Arrr, we hoisted anchor and sailed from our Cali shores—now, we be livin’ like scallywags on the run!"


Arrr! Soon as the flames be lickin’ the skies o' Los Angeles, Bethany and her wee lass made haste from their humble ship o’ Altadena-Pasadena. Power be gone, warmth too! Now they be waitin’ like landlubbers 'til the seas o’ danger calm, 'fore returnin’ to their treasure!

Arrr matey! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn of fire and fright from the land o' Los Angeles! Aye, not far off the shores of Altadena and Pasadena, a fair maiden named Bethany Martinez and her wee lass found themselves in a right pickle when the flames unleashed their fury upon the land!

With power snuffed out like a dim lantern and the heat vanishin’ faster than a treasure chest in Davy Jones' locker, this brave lass made the wise choice to hightail it from their abode. Aye, the smoke was risin’, and the air was thick as a ship's fog, makin' it harder to breathe than a scallywag in a barrel o' rum!

So, off they went, leavin’ their home behind like a ship cast adrift, waitin’ for the winds of fortune to blow their way once more. They be keepin’ a weathered eye on the horizon, hopin’ for the day when they can return to their cozy quarters without fear o’ singed eyebrows or worse. Aye, let this be a lesson to all ye landlubbers: when the flames be a-roarin’, best be makin’ like a seagull and flyin’ the coop!

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