Arrr, matey! Trump's big day be colder than a mermaid's heart on a frosty morn!
Avast ye landlubbers! A frosty breeze be brewin' to blow through Washington, D.C. come Monday, chillin' the bones of all ye scallywags in the U.S. Prepare yer long johns or face the wrath of Old Man Winter! Arrr, ‘tis a cold day for a swashbuckler!
Avast, me hearties! Gather ye ‘round as I spin ye a yarn of a fearsome chill brewin' in the wicked winds, settlin’ its frosty gaze upon the fair city of Washington, D.C. Aye, come Monday, a breath from the icy depths shall sweep across the land like a scallywag stealin' treasure! The whole of the United States be shiverin’ in its boots, I tell ye!