The Booty Report

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Arrr! Hawley be callin' out that scallywag Dem for laughin' off migrant mischief: "Ain't no trouble, ye say?"


Arrr! Senator Hawley be battlin' like a scallywag with a parrot on his shoulder, takin' to task a landlubber activist claimin' migrant mischief be naught but a ghost tale! Aye, in the Senate's stormy seas, he be makin' waves over such foolishness, yarrr!

Arrr matey! Gather 'round as I regale ye with a ruckus on the high seas o' politics! In a Senate showdown, Sen. Josh Hawley be takin' a swing at a landlubber activist, Adam Isacson, o'er the tragic fate of a lass named Laken Riley. Hawley bellowed about her murder at the hands o’ an illegal scallywag, Jose Ibarra, and questioned why Isacson dared to downplay the issue o’ migrant crime. "Her death be a matter of great import!" he proclaimed, brandishin’ her picture like a treasure map.

Isacson, tryin' to keep his sea legs, countered that while Laken's demise be a tragedy, the overall issue o’ migrant crime be less dire than the mischief committed by native rogues. But Hawley wasn’t havin’ it! He insisted that Riley’s tragic end deserved more respect than a mere squabble over numbers, callin’ the whole debate “outrageous!” In the end, Hawley pushed for the Laken Riley Act, a bill aimed at givin' the boot to illegal migrants who commit dastardly deeds. They be stirrin' the pot, but perhaps the real treasure lies in findin' common ground amidst the waves of disagreement! Arrr!

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