The Booty Report

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Arrr! Six scallywags be bruised when a mighty wagon and a dumpin' beast collided at the treasure port of Target!


Arrr! The landlubbers be claimin' six scallywags got themselves a proper scrappin' in a grand collision o' a mighty trailer, a dumpin' truck, and a Target from New Jersey! Aye, 'tis a right mix-up fit for a tale of woe and laughter on the high seas!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round as I regale ye with a tale of chaos on the high streets of New Jersey! On a fateful Friday, a great beast of a dump truck, not unlike a lumbering sea monster, lost its grip whilst descendin’ a steep hill. With a crash that echoed like cannon fire, it collided with a tractor-trailer, sendin' both vessels careenin' into a Target store, a fine establishment for treasure hunters in search of booty!

In a whirlwind of destruction, the mighty truck’s rampage left nearly a dozen scallywags injured, with one poor lass sufferin' grievous wounds whilst trapped in the loo! Aye, she needed to be pried free like a stubborn barnacle! The scene, as seen from the heavens, was a sight to behold—a gaping hole in the side of the store, with twisted metal and wreckage strewn about like a shipwreck after a storm.

The good mayor of North Bergen, Nicholas Sacco, lamented the calamity, callin' it "devastatin'." The streets be closed, and crews scurried to clear the debris while structural engineers inspected the shop's bones. So, raise yer tankards to the brave souls who weathered this storm, and may the winds be kinder in the days to come! Arrr!

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