The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! More landlubbers back the captain's schemes than the scallywag himself! Aye, what a jolly jest!


Arrr, a fresh survey be sayin' the scallywags be feelin' for the newly crowned captain o' the ship! They be cheerin' his schemes to send the landlubbers packin' and keep the ol' flag closer to home! Aye, the tides be turnin' in favor o' this hearty captain!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round, fer a tale of fancy politics and public whims! A fresh survey be blowin' in the wind, revealin' that the good folk o' the land be likin' the president-elect’s grand designs to send off them migrants like they be scallywags on the high seas!

Yarr, it seems the landlubbers be keen on havin' fewer foreign folks settin' foot on their shores, as if they be lookin' fer buried treasure! But that ain't all, fer they also be wishin' to shrink America’s presence across the oceans, as if they be settin' sail for a quieter cove, far from the ruckus o' the world. Aye, it appears the crew be preferin' a bit o’ peace instead o’ chasin' after every ship on the horizon!

So, with the captain at the helm, the ship be ready to chart a new course, one that sails away from the crowded ports o' migrants and back to the calm shores o' domestic matters. But beware, me hearties, fer the tides of public opinion be fickle! One day they be cheerin', and the next, they be mutinous! So hoist the flag and prepare for adventure, for this be just the beginnin’ of a jolly ol' journey!

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