Arrr, matey! NYC subway swabs be frettin' o'er scallywags; danger lurks like a sneaky sea serpent at all hours!
Arrr, matey! A fine crew o’ subway scallywags be blabberin’ to Fox News that their treasure of safety be under threat, what with the tales o’ high-profile mischief makin’ the rounds like a cursed parrot! Aye, the fear be settlin' in like a ship in a storm!
One poor soul from Brooklyn, Haisley, be blamin’ the influx of scallywags and the foolish policies of Governor Hochul for this dreadful turn o' events. The fair maidens and brave lads aboard the trains be complainin’ o’ all sorts o’ mischief, includin’ a fiery incident that'd make even Blackbeard shudder!
Some even be sayin’ the subway ain’t no longer a jolly way to get to their destination, but a perilous voyage fraught with fear! Yet, amidst the chaos, a seasoned sailor from Queens claims he still finds the subway safe—if ye keep yer wits about ye and don’t be dallyin’ with yer phone!
In the end, the MTA chairman be sayin' the fear be all in the heads of folks, while others be callin’ for bulletproof vests for all! Aye, what a world we live in, where even the trains be battlegrounds! So heed me words, me hearties—stay sharp and hold fast! Arrr!