The Booty Report

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"Avast ye maties! I've scribbled me will anew—join the jolly crew or risk bein' buried with me treasure!"


Arrr matey! Estate plannin' be more than just settin' yer sails for the afterlife! A proper will be like a treasure map fer yer kin, keepin' all yer secrets in one chest, makin' their journey smooth as a calm sea! Savvy?

Ahoy, mateys! It be said that a cobbler’s wee ones be runnin’ barefoot, but I be no landlubber when it comes to me own estate planning! After me dear father set sail to Davy Jones’ locker over a decade past, I set me sights on makin’ sure me wishes be known. Aye, I just updated me own estate plan, and ye best be doin’ the same, if ye haven’t already!

Whether ye be sittin’ on a treasure trove or merely a rusty spoon, it be critical to put quill to parchment and spell out yer desires. It’ll save yer loved ones from the stormy seas of grief, time, and doubloons when they be needin’ it most. So, get yer will in shipshape, lest there be squabbles over who gets yer prized loot—or worse, yer loyalty points!

Gather yer crew, or family, for a chinwag while the sun be shinin’. Discuss who’ll be makin’ decisions when ye can’t, like if ye prefer the fiery kiss of cremation or the deep, dark depths of a burial plot. Consider hiring an estate planning attorney, savvy as a sea captain, to steer ye through the legal waters.

Lastly, stash yer treasures and documents in a legacy kit, easy for yer crew to find when the time comes. Don’t be like poor Aretha, who left her will buried in the couch! So hoist the sails and get to plannin’, lest ye leave yer loved ones to walk the plank of confusion!

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