The Booty Report

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"Ahoy, matey! As Trump hoists the flag, the castaway landlubber be shoutin' fer his voice to be heard!"


Arrr, listen ye scallywags! Columnist David Marcus be sayin' that as Cap'n Trump hoists the Jolly Roger o' presidency once more, he best not forget the hearty crew o' working lads and lasses who swabbed the decks to get him back aboard! Avast, don’t be a landlubber!

Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn of political tides! This Monday, by the stroke of noon, one Donald Trump be settin' sail back to the captain's quarters of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. 'Tis a most extraordinary comeback, like a ghost ship rising from the depths!

Expect a grand spectacle with balls, galas, and fireworks, as the swells in their finest togs prance about, takin' selfies like it be a treasure map. But mark me words, they didn't be the ones who steered this ship to victory! Nay, 'twas the hard-working souls – the nurses, plumbers, and bus drivers – who hoisted the sails for Trump.

I sailed the seas of America, hearin' the grumblings of the everyday folk. They voiced their woes about high prices and border troubles, demandin' change like a crew ready to mutiny. In towns like Springfield and Staunton, I heard tales of struggles that made even the toughest pirate's heart ache.

So here stands Trump, not because of billionaires or fancy parties, but thanks to the sweat and toil of the common folk. Aye, he's got a chance to chart a new course for the working class, and they be watchin' closely! But he best remember, it be the sailors, not the scallywags in tuxedos, who filled his sails. Ahoy, there be hope on the horizon!

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