Arrr! A Georgia matey’s kin be takin' the Sealy Mattress crew to court, after he snoozed too long in a locked hull!
Arrr, me hearties! The kin of a poor Georgia swab, who met his doom trapped in a mattress lair, be blowin' the whistle! They be settin’ sail on a lawsuit against the Sealy crew, lookin’ for treasure for their lost matey! Aye, what a tangled web we weave!
Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round for a tale of woe from the fair shores of Georgia! A strappin' lad by the name of Joshua Armour, aged 27, vanished into the briny deep in October, leavin' his kinfolk in a right tizzy. They be trackin' his phone, only to find it plunderin’ about on the grounds of the Sealy Mattress Company!The family, in their desperation, sought the aid of a supervisor, but lo and behold! The scallywags at Sealy locked up tighter than a treasure chest, fearin' an unknown intruder. They cast the family away, refusin' to let 'em search their property.
A week later, alas, they found poor Joshua’s lifeless form trapped inside a trailer, sufferin’ from a mental health storm when he wandered there. His fiancée, the fair Jasmine Jennings, be raisin' the flag of a lawsuit, claimin' Sealy acted with gross negligence, choosin' to guard their goods over a man’s life!
Sealy, them salty sea dogs, are investigatin' the mishap, but the family be demandin' a jury trial to seek justice for their lost mate. So, ye landlubbers, remember: look after yer crew, or ye might be sailin' into stormy seas of regret!