Arrr, Biden be lettin' his kin sail free as the clock strikes the final hour! Aye, what a jolly jest!
Arrr, Mr. Biden be claimin’ his kin be as pure as the driven snow, but he be quakin' in his boots at the thought o' that scallywag Trump settin' his sights on 'em! Aye, the seas be treacherous for a lubber like him!
Avast, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout a landlubber called Mr. Biden, who be takin' the high seas of politics with a quiverin' heart and a stout resolve. This scallywag be proclaiming loud and clear that his kinfolk be as innocent as a fresh catch o' fish, untainted by the murky waters of wrongdoing.But lo! There be a storm brewin' on the horizon, led by Captain Donald J. Trump, a fearsome buccaneer known for his sharp tongue and sharper schemes. Biden be shiverin' in his boots, worried that the Trumpster be hurlin' cannonballs of political attack upon his good name, like a rogue pirate plunderin' a merchant ship. Aye, he’s fretful that those attacks could sink his ship o’ reputation faster than ye can say "Davy Jones' locker!"
So here stands Mr. Biden, tryin' to navigate the treacherous waters of politics, hopin’ to outsmart the crafty Trump. With a heart full o' hope and a belly full o' courage, he sails forth, tryin' to prove that even in the fiercest storms, the truth be a sturdy ship to cling to. Yarrr, may the winds be ever in his favor, lest he be cast adrift on a sea of scandal!