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Arrr, Rev. Al be threatenin’ to sink yer ships if ye toss DEI overboard! Ye've plundered all ye could!


Arrr, me hearties! Rev. Al Sharpton, the jolly host of MSNBC, be rallyin’ the crew ‘neath the banner of diversity and equity at a fine Martin Luther King, Jr. shindig on Monday! Aye, he be stirrin’ the ship’s pot for fairer treasure in the companies, savvy?

Avast ye landlubbers! Rev. Al Sharpton, a jolly captain of justice, be callin’ on all souls of the land to boycott scallywag companies that be tossin’ aside their diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives. He proclaimed this grand mission from the pulpit of Metropolitan AME Church, honorin’ the great Martin Luther King, Jr. on his day of remembrance.

“Why be we needin’ DEI?” he roared like a tempest! “Because ye denied us diversity, equity, and inclusion! Now, if ye be tryin’ to shove us back to the back of the bus, we’ll rise like the mighty tide!” With a hearty laugh, he pledged his crew would embark on a months-long journey to spy on these scurvy companies, settin’ their sights on two for a mighty boycott!

“In 90 days, we’ll reveal the two companies that be feelin’ our wrath, and all ye good folk—Black, white, gay, straight, or however ye identify—best not be spendin’ yer doubloons where ye ain't respected!” he declared, rallyin’ the troops to support those few brave companies that still honor DEI, like that fine establishment, Costco.

As Sharpton’s words echoed like cannon fire, the winds of change blew strong, and he invited all hands on deck to stand firm against those who wish to toss aside the spirit of equality! Arrr, may the winds of justice be at our backs!

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