The Booty Report

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Arrr, 'tis a mighty challenge to shun the siren call of identity squabbles and embrace true character, matey! Worthy indeed!


Arrr, we be dwellin' in the grand ol' USA, and that be meanin' somethin', aye! From the tales of that brave soul MLK, I be learnin' that a true matey be fightin' to stand tall as a man, a rogue in his own right! Yarrr!

Arrr, 'tis a mighty challenge to shun the siren call of identity squabbles and embrace true character, matey! Worthy indeed!

Aye mateys, gather ‘round as I spin ye a yarn about that slippery beast known as "character." On the day we celebrated the great Martin Luther King Jr., a day also marked by the pomp of President Trump’s inauguration, I pondered this fine word. Ye see, many a landlubber quotes King’s wisdom about judge not by skin, but by the heart’s content! Yet, do they truly practice such virtue, or be they merely chasing after vanity?

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