The Booty Report

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Arrr, Liz Peek be sayin’ Trump’s the captain now, and the Democrats be lost at sea, lookin’ fer treasure!


Arrr, matey! The Democratic scallywags be in for a rough tide, fer as Trump hoists the flag o’ power, he be pointin’ his spyglass at their sneaky schemes to keep him from the captain’s chair! Aye, the storm be far from over!

Arrr, me hearties! The Democrats be in a dire state, plummeting faster than a ship with a hole in its hull! As of this past Monday, the notorious Donald J. Trump be sittin’ in the captain’s chair as the 47th president, kickin’ off his second voyage with a flurry of executive orders, much to the chagrin of the Democratic crew.

These landlubbers, with their ship a-sinking, don't know how to patch the leaks! Their approval ratings be lower than a barnacle on Davy Jones' locker! It seems they’ve pulled the biggest trick of all, lettin’ ol’ Joe Biden sail into another term, despite him bein’ as fit as a one-legged parrot. A former matey of Kamala Harris even said they ought to torch their reputation—talk about walking the plank!

As Trump takes the helm, he’ll be shinin’ a light on all the shenanigans the Democrats have tried to hide, from their attempts to shackle him with lawsuits to the scandalous dealings of the Biden crew. With Biden’s pardons for his kin, it be clear he’s admitting they’ve been up to no good. The Democrats be flounderin’, likin’ fish outta water, with their loyal supporters jumpin’ ship!

So, me hearties, let’s raise a toast to Trump’s second term and the good times ahead, while we watch the Democrats struggle through their stormy seas!

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