The Booty Report

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Arrr, Trump be settin' sail fer the External Treasure Collectin' Crew, taxin' all the booty! What ye need to know!


Arrr, matey! Captain Trump be wishin’ fer an External Treasure Collector to hoist tariffs on foreign plunder! But a savvy sea dog reckons it be more showy than a parrot on a pirate’s shoulder! Har har!

Arr matey! Gather 'round for a tale of gold and silver, where the winds of trade be blowin' fierce! Our Captain Trump, mighty ruler of the land, be hatin' the thought of foreign booty comin' in without payin' their dues. He be callin' forth an External Revenue Service, akin to a scallywag’s privateering crew, to hoist the tariffs high and collect the doubloons on imports! Aye, he thinks to fill the coffers of the good ol' U.S. of A. with shiny pieces of eight!

But hark! Lend me yer ears, for a wise trade expert be spillin' the beans! They be sayin' this grand scheme may be naught but a fine show, more about brandin' than raisin' true riches. Like a parrot squawkin' on a shoulder, it be lookin' fancy but lackin' substance! In other words, it might be all flash and no treasure, me hearties!

So there ye have it, a ruckus in the harbor of commerce! Our captain be tryin' to sail the seas of import and export with a new flag, but who knows if it be flyin' or flounderin'? Keep yer spyglasses peeled, for this voyage be just beginnin'! Yarrr!

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