The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! Trump be tossin' Bolton's bodyguards overboard—no more watchin' his back from the scallywags! Har har!


Arrr, in the year o' our Lord 2021, Captain Biden, the head o' the ship o' state, be givin’ safe harbor to Old Bolton and another sea-farin’ adviser, fearin’ the wrath o’ Iran’s cannons! Aye, even pirates need a bit o’ protection when the storm be brewin’!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout a grand ol' captain o' the high seas of politics, one President Joseph R. Biden Jr. Aye, in the year of our Lord 2021, this fine matey be grantin' protection to none other than the swashbucklin' Bolton and another scallywag who served under the infamous Captain Trump, bein' a national security adviser!

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