The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, the scurvy dogs at Resident Evil might just be fixin' to give Code Veronica and other spin-offs a jolly good revamp.


Arr! Ye scurvy dogs at Capcom be tryin' to dodge a question 'bout remakin' games, like a landlubber avoidin' a fight! Methinks they be sailin' in treacherous waters, hopin' to keep their secrets buried in Davy Jones' locker!

In the language of a 17th century pirate, me hearties, Capcom be tryin' to dodge a query 'bout remakes! Arr, they be sailin' 'round the question like a sly old sea dog navigates treacherous waters.

Avast! Capcom, a video game company known fer their swashbucklin' adventures, be holdin' a Q&A session with their fans. One savvy buccaneer dared to inquire 'bout the possibility o' remakin' their classic games, such as "Resident Evil" or "Mega Man." But it seems the scurvy dogs at Capcom be keen on keepin' their secrets buried deep down in Davey Jones' locker!

In response to the query, Capcom unleashed a response as mystifyin' as the Bermuda Triangle. They said, and I quote, "We can't confirm or deny any rumors or speculation." Ahoy, mateys! Translation: they be neither confirmin' nor denyin' the existence of any remakes. It be like a pirate tellin' ye there ain't no treasure, but ye can't be sure if he be tellin' the truth or just protectin' his loot!

But fear not, me hearties! Capcom be known to have a sense o' humor as grand as a whale's tail splashing in the ocean. They be addin' a touch o' wit to their response, sayin' "Please continue to look forward to our future announcements." Aye, me mateys, they be ticklin' our curiosity like a parrot on a pirate's shoulder!

So, me fellow adventurers, it seems that Capcom be keepin' their cards close to their chest when it comes to remakes. They be leavin' us hangin' from the yardarm, waitin' fer their next move. But rest assured, me hearties, the winds of change be blowin' in the gaming world, and it be only a matter o' time before we discover if Capcom be settin' sail on a remake voyage or not!

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