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Arrr! UK scurvy schools be forcin' wee lads 'n lasses to wear 'gender badges', preachin' LGBT tales to religious lot: says watchdog!


Avast ye mateys! A scroll crafted by a bunch o' landlubbers in the U.K. be tellin' wee ones, barely old enough to swab the deck, 'bout matters o' gender and claimin' that bein' LGBTQ be all fine and dandy with the gods. Blimey, they be teachin' some peculiar things indeed!

A London-based Christian nonprofit organization, Christian Concern, has raised concerns about teaching materials in thousands of U.K. schools that promote the idea that LGBTQ behavior is compatible with Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. The materials, created by LGBTQ organization Just Like Us, include lesson plans that introduce same-sex relationships to children as young as five years old. Christian Concern has supported Christian parents in legal battles against schools that promote inappropriate sexual material. Just Like Us is responsible for School Diversity Week, an annual event celebrating LGBTQ+ equality in U.K. primary and secondary schools. The curriculum includes activities such as waving rainbow flags, wearing badges with preferred pronouns, and changing the pronouns of pop stars in lessons. It also teaches secondary school students that the LGBTQ lifestyle is consistent with major Abrahamic religions. The curriculum features stories of LGBTQ individuals from various faith traditions, including Anglican, Roman Catholic, Jewish, and Muslim. Just Like Us has received support from U.K. political leaders and financial backing from companies like Facebook, Blackrock, and JPMorgan Chase. Steve Beegoo from Christian Concern has expressed concern that the materials are targeting people of faith, attempting to shift their thinking away from traditional Christian beliefs. He argues that the curriculum tries to present LGBTQ ideology as an accepted belief within major religions. Christian Concern urges parents to be aware of what their children are being taught and which organizations' resources are being used in schools. None of the organizations involved in the curriculum's development have responded to requests for comment.

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