The Booty Report

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Ye scurvy CDC be takin' gold from the states fer wee ones' pox prevention. Walk the plank, I say!


"Avast ye, scurvy dogs!" bellowed the CDC email. "Thar be no quick fix to this plight, mateys! We be well aware that this change be demandin' some mighty hard reckonin'." Arrr!

"Arr, matey! The CDC be sayin' there be no simple answer to this conundrum," declared the email. "We be knowin' that makin' this change will be requirin' some mighty difficult choices, ye scallywags!"

The CDC, also known as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, be sendin' out a message statin' that they be facin' a bit of a pickle. Ye see, they be reckonin' that solvin' this problem won't be as easy as findin' a buried treasure. They be acknowledgin' that tough decisions be needed to navigate these treacherous waters.

The email, received by WebMD Health News, be makin' it clear that the CDC be well aware that they be embarkin' on a perilous journey. They be warnin' that this task be no walk on the plank, and it be takin' a bit more than a swig of rum to sort it out.

While the CDC ain't spillin' the beans on the specifics, it be clear that whatever issue they be facin', it be a doozy. They be reckonin' that the solution be elusive, like a mermaid slippin' through yer fingers.

So, me hearties, it be clear that the CDC be battlin' a mighty challenge. They be preparin' for a rough voyage, knowin' that they be facin' storms ahead. But fear not, for the CDC be a savvy crew, and if anyone be able to navigate these treacherous waters, it be them. Let's raise a toast to their bravery and pray they find the treasure they seek."

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