The Booty Report

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Yarrr! Aye, a drone be strikin' in northern Syria, claimin' the life o' an alleged ISIS matey, and scurvy bystander be gettin' a wee injury!


Arrr, a mighty blow from the skies, 'twas delivered by the U.S.-led coalition in northern Syria on the day of Friday. The blow did smite an scurvy dog tied to the Islamic State, sending 'im to Davy Jones' locker. A jolly fine strike indeed!

In the jolly language of a 17th-century pirate, me hearties, there be news from the land of Syria! Arrr, it seems that a drone strike, possibly carried out by the U.S.-led coalition, has caused a stir. One scurvy dog with links to the Islamic State has been sent to Davy Jones' locker, while a poor passerby was wounded in the process. The Syrian Civil Defense, also known as the White Helmets, claims that the unfortunate soul was riding his trusty motorcycle at the time of his untimely demise.

A fine fellow named Rami Abdurrahman, who runs the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, revealed that the unlucky target of the drone was a scallywag associated with the Islamic State. This dastardly deed took place on the road connecting the town of al-Bab with the village of Bazaa.

Now, ye may wonder why these U.S.-led rascals be targeting these landlubber militants. Well, they've been at it for years, hunting down those linked to al-Qaida and the treacherous Islamic State. With at least 900 U.S. forces and a bunch of mysterious contractors in Syria, they be workin' with the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces to make sure these rogues don't make a comeback.

But avast! Even though the Islamic State was defeated in Syria back in 2019, their sleeper cells still be causin' mayhem. These sneaky devils carry out deadly attacks, mainly against Syrian government forces, SDF members, and local officials.

Now, me hearties, let's not forget another tragedy. On the road near the city of Homs and the historic town of Palmyra, there be a terrible accident. Sixteen poor souls, including women and children, met their end. The bodies were sadly taken to hospitals in the central province of Homs, as reported by the state news agency SANA.

So there ye have it, a tale of drone strikes, pirate-worthy battles against the Islamic State, and unfortunate accidents on treacherous roads. Keep yer eye patches on and stay out of trouble, me hearties!

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