The Booty Report

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Ye scurvy dog from California, akin to that landlubber Ted Bundy, be nabbed for takin' the lives of Mexican wenches!


Arr, mateys! The landlubber U.S. authorities be lockin' up a scallywag from California, claimin' he be involved in the slayin' of a Mexican wench. Them Mexican investigators be callin' him a "serial killer," arrr!

U.S. authorities have arrested a California man, Bryant "Eduardo" Rivera, who is allegedly connected to the killing of a sex worker and possibly two others in Tijuana, Mexico. Rivera was captured outside Los Angeles and will be extradited to Baja California to face one count of femicide. The Baja California Attorney General has called Rivera a suspected "serial killer" and stated that investigators have gathered evidence placing him at the crime scenes. Mexican authorities are pursuing Rivera as a "Ted Bundy-like" serial killer.

Rivera is accused of strangling sex worker Ángela Carolina Acosta Flores to death inside a hotel room next to the Tijuana bar where he had picked her up. Surveillance footage shows Rivera and Flores entering the hotel together, with Rivera leaving alone later. Rivera had been visiting the Hong Kong Bar for months and allegedly killed at least one other prostitute who worked there. Witnesses identified Rivera as the man last seen with Flores, but he used the name "Eduardo" when interacting with the dancers and checking out hotel rooms.

Flores' mother and boyfriend became concerned when she stopped answering her phone, and hotel staff discovered her naked body in the room the next day. Rivera had already returned to the U.S. by then. Rivera later returned to the Hong Kong Bar and allegedly killed another dancer, who was found strangled, naked, and bludgeoned in her SUV.

Mexican authorities suspect Rivera may also be responsible for the killing of a woman from the Adelita Bar and are investigating similar murders to determine if he is connected. Rivera has been compared to the notorious American serial killer Ted Bundy, who terrorized girls and young women in the 1970s. Bundy was executed in 1989.

Authorities are determined to bring justice to criminals, especially those targeting victims for gender reasons, and will employ all legal and technological means to do so.

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