The Booty Report

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Arrr! The scurvy dog, known as the special needs teacher, got the boot when the school found their OnlyFans page! Denying any wrongdoing, they've caused quite the ruckus!


The scallywag school district in Canada be advisin' the fair lass, Kristin MacDonald, who be servin' as a special needs teaching assistant, to be scrappin' all her social media tied to her OnlyFans alter ego, Ava James. But the lass, bold as a buccaneer, refused, claimin' she be causin' no harm. Alas, the bilge rats did fire her!

A special needs teaching assistant in a Canadian school district was fired after it was discovered that she had an OnlyFans account and refused to shut it down. Kristin MacDonald received an email from the school district advising her to deactivate all accounts related to her online persona, Ava James, but she did not comply. As a result, she was terminated on June 16. MacDonald claims she does not know how the school discovered her account but heard rumors that a student had complained about one of her TikTok videos. The school district called her conduct "egregious" and listed several reasons for her termination, including sexualizing the school environment and disparaging the district in media interviews. MacDonald believes that she should be able to do what she wants as long as it's not illegal and insists that her side-hustle does not harm anyone. Her job as a teaching assistant paid only $1,000 every two weeks, prompting her to seek other means of making money. MacDonald has raised concerns about the school's investigation, claiming that they subscribed to her OnlyFans account using taxpayer money, which goes against OnlyFans' rules. She wants to resolve the matter and return to her job. The school district and OnlyFans did not respond to requests for comment.

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