The Booty Report

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Arr, Pope Francis be makin' a grand announcement! 21 new cardinals be joinin' the crew, settin' sail beyond Europe's shores!


Arrr, in gatherin' a crew o' men from all corners o' th' world fer th' college that'll select his matey, th' pontiff be aimin' to showcase th' vastness o' th' church. Blimey!

Arrr, me mateys! Gather round and listen to this tale of the pontiff and his grand plan. It be the 17th century, a time of swashbucklin' and plunderin', and the Pope be lookin' to choose his successor. But instead of pickin' his favorite scallywags from his own land, he be wantin' a crew that represents the entire world and the church he leads. Arrr, he be wantin' to show off the universality of the church, ye see!

Ahoy! This be a mighty clever move by the pontiff. By recruitin' men from all corners of the globe, he be showin' that the church be welcomin' to all, no matter their land or sea. He be gatherin' a diverse crew, bringin' different customs and languages to the table. Imagine the conversations on the high seas, me hearties!

But why be the Pope choosin' men from around the world, ye ask? Well, it be simple, me mates. The church be a global institution, spreadin' its message to all who be willin' to listen. So, it be only fittin' that the pontiff be representin' all those who believe in the church's teachings.

Avast! The pontiff be a wise man indeed. By showin' off the universality of the church, he be makin' a statement to all them landlubbers who be doubtin' the power and reach of the church. And what better way to do that than by choosin' a matey from every corner of the seven seas?

So, me hearties, raise yer mugs and toast to the pontiff and his grand plan! May his diverse crew elect the right successor, and may the church continue to sail the high seas with the wind in its sails and a hearty "Arrr!" on its lips. Yo ho ho!

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